Striking a Balance between Morals and Priorities

For most college students today, morals do not constitute part of their daily argument when deciding what to do, when to do it and how to do it. Their wayward priorities are evident from their mode of dressing, drug and substance abuse and their code of conduct towards their lecturers. However, balance needs to be established between these two in order to learn to tackle simple tasks that mean a lot to achieve academic success. Balance involves utilizing our enrichments to make up for our own depletions and short comings. Lack of a balance between morals and priorities to a student may cause burnout. This is a syndrome which causes emotional exhaustion, depersonalization of relationships and negative self-evaluation inhibiting sense of self-accomplishment and leads ultimately to poor academic performance. To prevent this, one needs to reflect and clarify personal priorities with regards to the morals of the society.

A simple task like waking up in the morning and attending lectures in time requires a good set of priorities for any serious student. Morals would tell the student that it is expected of him to utilize all the resources that have been laid down at his disposal in order to be successful. In the free world we live in today the choice of what to wear is fully left at the discretion of individual priorities. However, this is where morals come into pay to bring in the issue of decency. When making a choice of attire in the morning you should strive to strike a balance between your fashion taste and the comfort levels of the general public.