How to keep it cool with your Roommate

Finally the day to move in is here. You are nervous seeing a family approaching and you obviously know that’s your new roommate. The family comes closer and in this very cinematic situation, you jump into your room along the hall way, your heart racing fast. Of course you will say ‘hi’ to your roommate and introduce each other to your parents but the problem comes during the weird silence that follows. At this moment you realize that you have absolutely nothing interesting to talk about since you haven’t had to undergo the trouble of making friends since your freshman year at high school and you’ve forgotten how to be social. However your first conversation with your roommate can be quite interesting. First you need to establish your common areas of interest.

You are going to need a lot more than the fact that you are both students at the same university in order to get that conversation rolling. There are tones yet to be discovered in terms of your interest in movies, music, sport or art to make it for the long haul. Find a conversation starter like a backdrop on the wall, a picture in the phone or a logo on the t-shirt and if they are willing to talk then you’ve got a conversation going. Take time to also learn about their family and be also ready to put out your fears in the open. Most like your anxiety as being first timers in college will help you have something in common and help you trust each other. Share your excitement with your new roommate but never speak of the kind of things you did back in college.